Friday, May 11, 2007

April 13 or Wan Sangkan Long

Wan Sangkan Long means the old year passes by (Sangkan derived from the word Songkran. Lanna people cannot pronounce double consonants. So Songkran is pronounced Sangkan; Pret is pronounced Pet; Krot is pronounced, Kot.) According to the belief of the northern people, there are Kun Sangkan (a male) and Nang Songkran (a female). On New Year’s day (Sankan Long) a prediction will be announced, similar to the Songkran announcement of the central region, for example, “Sankan Long happens on Sunday with Kun Sangkan, riding on the Naga with a cloud in his hand, moving quickly from the west. Nang Songkran named Siri, holds a cannon, meaning there will be war. Insects will destroy the rice fields. Rain will be abundant. Cattle will fall ill. The wealthy will suffer. White Yang wood is the best quality wood. The spirit of rice lies in the bamboo. Those born on Tuesday will face problems. Those born on Saturday will have good fortune. Red objects and live beings will be costly. White objects will cost less.”

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